Child Love

I found a really neat website ( [my user is 'xslim92']) that is basically the handbook for all things poetry. I have recently submitted several poems and am really enjoying all the support and stuff. I wanted to publish (here of course, my true place of writing) a poem that I just recently put up there. It is in a form called "Sedoka" which is a japanese poem that is 5-7-7 syllable construction. But don't worry about trying to find it, I think the most beautiful part about poetry is simply enjoying it.

I am whole in you
You are to me as water’s light
A glisten across my face so bright
The gaze you cast me
Is too great to call by name
No words, but caught in the rain

You have found me alone
Into your gentle voiced love
You cradle me from above
Kisses my cheek
I find myself at a loss
Shielded by your warmth from frost

Can I show my love?
Is there any way to speak?
A light as the night grew bleak
Carried to the river
Upon your breast as a babe
Countless hours have I laid

A heaven within
In my eye within I see
I cannot pay what is free
I lie with open hands
You fill yours within my fingers
Long in night, your love still lingers