Bright Eyes

There is something amazing about babies, something beautiful that is often discarded. They are so pure and joyful and unperplexed. They have nothing in the world to fear; they wear their heart on their sleeves. When a baby looks me in the eye, it pierces me to the soul. I can't help but smile back at that whipped cream covered face. In those few seconds, there is a certain serenity that passes over me. It is almost like god is smiling at me through that cheeky little face. I think that He actually is resting inside that gentle spirit; I think He finds a willing home there. Maybe there is a reason why I find peace on those bright little eyes.
If God is inside those innocent eyes, inside that gently spirit, is He in my eyes as well? when people look me in the eyes, what do they see? What do they feel? Do they see what I see when I look into the eyes of that baby? Do they feel that same thing? It is said that the eyes are the window to the soul, so do my eyes reflect God? Are my eyes a mirror to His?
If it is piercing for me to look a baby in the eyes, how much more so would it have been to look Jesus in the eyes? I'm sure that no one was ever able to look Him in the eyes. Think about that. Would you be able to look Him in the eyes, or would you drop your head in shame as he searched you inside out? Would you close the blinds or would you open the windows and let Him bring light on your deepest and darkest parts of you?