Love Never Fails

It's hard not to feel as though I haven't accomplished anything, that these last 8 months of pain and suffering have meant nothing, but that is where I am being fooled. How do you measure a year? 525600 minutes? 365 days? by all the tears and all the blood? Measure this precious time in love. If you have lived your life in love, no amount of muscle gained or weight lost matters anything. Love is what matters. People look for engagements and jobs and money for fulfillment, for the substance of measuring "progress", but what have you really gained? Has any of this had eternal value? What is in the word progress? Empty lies and deceit, illusions formulated to distract us from what is really going on here. We are fighting a war, one not won by might or valor, but by freedom and love. Where nothing that you can touch is worth fighting for, where all enemies are unseen, where nothing matters but love.

If I have the gift of prophesy and have all wisdom and all knowledge, but have not love,


Steve Coan said...

This is my son in whom I am well pleased.