
How do you describe something so mysterious? Our heart is so much more than an organ that pumps blood through our veins, it is what drives us, what connects us with God. Our heart is as mysterious as the one who breathed life into us. No one can tell you how to follow your heart, no one can show you how it works. Human ways have no control over the heart; They have no passage they have no safety. God gave us our hearts to give us life, without it we would be no more than empty carcasses that follow where they are shown. Many chastise their hearts, they lock it up and keep it behind bars. It certainly is much easier to be ruled by your mind, for indeed if your heart is free it will be hurt, but is living life in fear, in denial really living at all? There is an old saying that all men die, but not all men truly live. Can you truly live at all without your heart, or is life just a specific set of movements and choices that lead to the final end result? You cannot live in both worlds, in the world of the mind and the world of the heart, they are opposing in every way. What one tries to capture and reserve the other releases and lets wild, what one seeks to put out the other seeks to raise up. It is not safe at all, it is quite dangerous in fact. It is placed in check in a world of order and discipline, where whatever cannot be controlled must be destroyed. Satan will do whatever he can to destroy it, without it you are no longer any worry to him. God gave us our hearts to follow, not to shut up and push away. Our hearts are struggling to break free of our bodies and go to the father, to return to Him. Let it free.