Paycheck (getting paid for your work)

Getting paid, earning your keep, having compensation, all of these ideas have been running through my head over this summer. Why as humans do we always look to be paid for everything we do? I slap myself when I start thinking about how I can get something in return for doing something as small as teaching someone how to play a song on the piano. It is in our blood to want to be repaid for our so called 'charity'. If you think about it, we're really sleazy in that way. If, by that same logic, Jesus had died for us, we would be slaves to his will every waking moment. Why is it against our nature to give out of the sincerity of our hearts? Maybe it is from the transition of that thought from our heart to our head where it becomes selfish and self seeking. Maybe the problem is not that we are evil to the core, but more that our heads want what feels good where our hearts want whatever is pure and just. And maybe, just maybe, when we only think about how we can benefit from a situation or get something from it, we have learned to shut out our hearts from out actions.